Pakistan came into being in 1947 when the British divided India and created a separate country for the Muslims. It was due to the Christian community’s decisive vote that one-half of the province of Punjab, joined the newly created Pakistan.

How four Christian votes made Pakistan possible?

Pakistani Christians have contributed greatly to the creation and development of Pakistan. They are lawyers, teachers, university professors, nurses, social workers, private sector professionals, musicians, singers, sportsmen and women, and much more. They are all proud citizens of Pakistan.

Ten Facts about Christians in Pakistan

  1. There is anecdotal evidence that  Thomas the Apostlepassed through Taxila (in the Diocese of Islamabad-Rawalpindi) in his journey in India in the first century AD, where he is said to have established the community of Saint Thomas Christians on the Malabar Coast.
  2. Saint Thomas Christian crossdiscovered in June 2020 made of marble and weighing more than three tons, about seven by six feet in size, was found in the mountains of Baltistan, in the northern areas of Pakistan. It is estimated to be more than 900 years old, possibly being the earliest physical evidence of a Christian presence in what is now Pakistan.
  3. Pakistan’s first non-Muslim Chief Justice of Pakistan Supreme Court was Justice  R. Cornelius. Justice A.R. Cornelius was appointed as the Chief Justice of Pakistanin 1960
  4. Cornelius was one of the notable Christian figures in the Pakistan Movement, closely collaborating with Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Justice Cornelius was an active activist for the Pakistan Movement and one of the outspoken speakers of the movement, working to rally support for the Pakistan Movement. Justice Cornelius referred himself as a ‘Constitutional Muslim’ who in fact was highly committed to the ideology of Pakistan and strived to follow the laws of Shariahthat he found very much in line with the natural laws
  5. Justice Cornelius was the main founding figure of Pakistan cricket after partition. Cornelius one of the three original vice-Presidents of the Pakistan Cricket Board (then B.C.C.P.) and became Chairman of the working committee, serving until he first relinquished his connection with the Board in early 1953.
  6. Joseph Cordeiro, Archbishop of Karachi, became the first Pakistani Cardinal, elevated to the position by Pope Paul VIon 5 March 1973.
  7. Pope John Paul IIvisited Pakistan on 16 February 1981.
  8. For the first time in the country’s history, Shahbaz Bhatti, a Catholic, became the federal minister for minorities in 2008. Bhatti was assassinated on 2 March 2011.
  9. The Protestant Church of Pakistan is the only one in the world where Anglican, Methodist, Lutheran, and Presbyterian Christians unite to pray, according to comThe denomination was founded in 1970 and is second only to the Catholic Church in number.
  10. Christians are split equally in numbers between Catholics and Protestants in Pakistan. The Church of Pakistan is the largest of the Protestant faith. Others include The United Presbyterian Church, Baptists, Seventh-Day Adventists, and the Pentecostal Church with many other smaller churches, according to a brief created bythe Home Office of the government of the United Kingdom.


Welcome to Christians of Pakistan

Pakistan is a predominantly Muslim country in south Asia. According to government estimates Christians are 2.5% in a population of 222 million of present-day Pakistan.  Pakistan is the sixth largest country in the world and the only nuclear armed Muslim state.

This site promotes the values, contributions and achievements of Christians of Pakistan.  We will highlight Christian businesses, professionals and promote their products for a nominal fee.  All proceeds from promotion of events, organizations and other services will go towards supporting Hope Beyond Frontiers ( charitable organization’s programs to support the most vulnerable and marginalized in Pakistan.

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Church in Pakistan

Christianity is the third largest religion in Pakistan. The other two religions are Muslims and Hindus. According to the 2017 Census, the proportion of Christians in Pakistan was estimated as about 1.27% of the population. Of these, approximately half are Catholic and half Protestant. A small number of Eastern Orthodox Christians and Oriental Orthodox Christians also live in Pakistan.

The census figures for minorities have always been misrepresented in Pakistan and there is general suspicion about the overall population census. We believe that the Christian population could be more than 3% of the population. Even at 3%, the number of Christians in Pakistan should be close to 6.6 million. It is our desire that the Christians should conduct their own census with the help of the Church in Pakistan to come up with accurate population figures.

Natural Beauty and People of Pakistan

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